Google wants to revolutionize
computersThe two models presented will go on sale June 15 in the U.S., Spain , United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Holland.
Google launched two notebooks based on its new Google Chrome OS operating system that represent "a new model of computing," in the words of Sergey Brin, co-founder.
based devices fully functioning on the web, instead of betting on a hard disk.
computers, designed by Acer and Samsung, will go on sale in mid-June in the U.S. and six European countries, including Spain, and will cost between $ 349 and U.S. $ 499, depending on model.
The company said it reached more markets "in the coming months."
Google's mission is to encourage people to use web applications (such as your Gmail or Google Docs products) instead of using software c onvencional . The company says that people spend most of the time on the web and most things people do on a computer can be made online.
The Internet giant said its computers, called "Chromebooks" are not burdened with expensive programs that are on other computers, so come on in just eight seconds instead of several minutes.
The company also says that the life of the device's battery lasts a day and security updates are done automatically and faster than competitive products.
"It's a lot easier to get into the computer and Chromebook ventures into a new model computer not think it was possible to reach a few years ago, "said Brin.
"Ultimately, time is most valuable as a user. I think the complexity of managing computers is something that tortures many users. It is a failed model and I think Chromebook represents a new model will mark a new path, "Brin said.
"Web only"
Google believes that its computers could save businesses money.
Before presenting the final models of their laptops, Google held tests with a million programmers, journalists, schools and businesses.
"Most people spend all the time on the web and for the first time we have concluded that all the experience in computers is based only on the web," Sundar told the BBC Pachai, vice president of Chrome.
"From end to end I think the computer experience will be much easier, simpler and faster," he said.
Some analysts, however, were skeptical about the possibility that consumers will adopt a technology that departs from conventional norms.
"I think the future of computing, but I'm not entirely convinced that is the present, "said Steven Levy of Wired magazine.
"I tested an earlier prototype and found connectivity problems. It was an experience as good as what I'm used to, "he said.
His view contrasts with that of the tech blog Engadget that, after testing the final model, said: "The machine is strongly felt fast and was able to handle three windows simultaneously with ten panels each not to be locked."
A question of price?
Google says its browser Chrome-base of their computers, is used by 160 million people.
The cheapest machine, an Acer model with WiFi-only cost $ 350, while the most expensive-a Samsung model with WiFi and 3G will sell for $ 499.
The price, according to Michael Gartenbe analyst at Gartner, could be an obstacle for the product.
"The hardware looks interesting, but the problem that Google and its partners face is to convince people to spend $ 499 on a device that looks like a laptop, but does less," he told the BBC.
"A $ 499 laptop can also run Chrome and apps. I think people expected Google will not only present a computational innovation, but innovation and price of $ 349 or $ 499 will be difficult to sell to consumers, "he added.
Other analysts believe that the great opportunity for Google is the market for schools and companies, until now dominated by Microsoft. The searcher
convince these sectors that use their computers will save a lot of money on software, the market could change, said Ina Fried, editor of technology website "All Things Digital. "
The search engine will offer a special plan for businesses and educational institutions can purchase your computer, applications and services $ 28 and $ 20 per month, respectively, provided they sign a contract for three years. Google says
over year launched Chromebooks manufacturers at different prices.
SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Responsibility Corporate Social
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