our fields in spring are filled with beautiful flowers that give color to the landscape full of life. Any place would be worthy of being captured on the canvas of a painter for its beauty and color. Spaces such as the Rock Muñana our purchase at this time a singular beauty full of color, brightness and life thanks to the explosion of spring.
Among the multitude of flowers and flowering shrubs are two different family that although neighbors are usually large and are adapted to the same land, I'm talking broom and lavender.

The yellow broom or common scientific name Retama sphaerocarpa is a shrub that can reach up to 3 meters and belongs to the family Fabaceae.
The scientific name lavender Lavandula stoechas belongs to the family Labiatae, is a shrub up to 1 meter in height with green branches and reddish purple flowers, very aromatic.

Well, with these two flowers are made for many years Cadalso a cross that hangs from the balcony and called "Cross May. " Normally the exact date for the placement of the Cross is on May 3 and although today this practice is not widespread among the inhabitants of Gallows, there was a time when many balconies were festooned with these crosses not only adorned but had a religious sense and protective.
like every year I've already placed mine and I hope you also should do in this way to beautify your balcony and recover one of the oldest traditions and emblematic of Gallows.
This festival is celebrated in almost all regions of Spain and has its origins in the times of the conquest, time when the devotion and the cult of Santa Cruz was widespread in our country, being the symbol chosen by the Catholic missionaries who evangelized the Americas. Over time this devotion grew and in one month is decorated crosses, which were placed in strategic places, with flowers and crosses pilgrimage to singing litanies.
Then the party happened to be held one day in May and began to decorate the houses with the cross.
This is the story that seems more real on the merits of the Cross of May and as you can see comes from the era of the conquerors, remaining until today in many parts of Spain and our people.
If you really want this tradition will not disappear from Gallows just have to make a cross and hung from the balcony or window of the house and so will be helping the conservation of this beautiful and ancient custom cadalseña.
For years I have continued to hang up my cross and May alone, but in recent years are already several balconies cadalseños displayed at this time decorated with the cross, I hope this year are many more. Sliding
Photos: Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso
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