Saturday, May 7, 2011

Olympus Om 10 35mm Camera

Lima will surprise you. Peru

Plaza de Armas.

Lima is the capital of Peru. Located on the central coast of the country by the ocean Pacific has an area of \u200b\u200babout 34,000 km ² and a population of 8 million people.
Her population is the result of immigration from rural areas so that the breed has led to several ethnic groups such as mestizos, Creoles and Amerindians.

City Hall seat of government of Peru.

House Peruvian literature.

Barrio del Cerro San Cristóbal.

The Catholic religion is the majority in Lima, having great influence in society.

   Catedral de Lima.

   Calle de Pescadería.

   Iglesia de San Pedro.

El idioma oficial de Perú es el español y también son cooficiales el aimara y el quechua, aunque estos apenas predominan en la capital limeña y más en las zonas rurales.

   Interior iglesia de San Pedro.

Changing of the Guard at the Palace of Government.

Lima Cathedral.

Convento de Santo Domingo Cloister.

Home Church of the Merced.

Monasterio de San Francisco.

cheerful and jovial Lima City has the charm that only cities contribute to the English colonial where one is at home and where the warmth and friendliness of its people makes you feel fully integrated into the life and atmosphere of the city.

Library Convent of Santo Domingo.

Skull of St. Martin de Porres in the Convent of Santo Domingo.

Plaza General San Martín.

Photos: Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso


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