Friday, May 13, 2011

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Neuromarketing: Sympathy versus ideas to "seduce" undecided

Sympathy against ideas to "seduce" undecided

Between 15% and 20% of voters choose their candidate in campaign

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SELINA OTERO no longer enough to "persuade and convincing. " In the twenty-first century must" seduce "undecided. The election campaign is still" crucial "to go to the thrones of the municipalities, between 15% and 20% of voters waiting for this line end to choose a candidate. Experts in Political Marketing, PR & Communication Electoral agree that it is more important "sympathy, warmth and complicity" that the presentation of projects and policy ideas. For the mind of voters forget it. Prefers images and gestures. Instead, "originality, a bit of spectacle and, above all, do not screw it up because if this happens, desbancaría all previous achievements." In other words: sow a positive memory to mobilize voters "prospective."

How have municipal election campaigns? "They are more expensive and sophisticated, more money is spent and the channels multiply, advertising experts argue. The billboards are part of the "electoral landscape" seeking to "impress" rallies are designed to go out in the media and "activists and supporters to their leaders jaleen" and social networks are still "a supplement." Teachers and publishers agree that candidates "have no control over its management nor its potential."

"Candidates still them with their strengths and weaknesses, but his presentation to the electorate has changed substantially. Voters buy a political product that meets your expectations, the ideological commitment is important, but has become secondary. The loyalty of voters has been volatile and increasingly oriented utilitarianism the voting option, "argues Alberto Pena, professor of Political Propaganda Technique in the Campus of Pontevedra, adding that the campaign" reinforce "the image of candidates but "not defined".

For this expert in the History of Propaganda, voters "do not rationalize messages, their interpretations are emotional. "" is to remember key ideas and simplify the most of the proposals. Voters do not invest your time to compare the electoral programs, comparing different forms of advertising. For this reason the campaign has a lot of show . Question of attention, "says Pena. Sympathy, closeness and trust are concepts that generate candidates pursuing mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero both (PSdeG) and Corina Porro (PPdeG), Santiago Domínguez (BNG ), Pedro Larrauri (UPyD) and Ruben Perez (IU). Is that the way "rather than the content determined.
According José Rúas, a communications professor at the University of Vigo and author of the electoral candidate's Manual, "15% of the electorate seems little, but in practice is crucial, especially in Galicia, where it governs the left or right is a matter of a seat. " Rúas says that in the final "what is more important to do well, is not screw it up, do not do anything to derail a party or candidate." Tips: intuition, resilience and risk rating.
For this expert in campaigns, "there is a growing influence of negative campaigning: more memorable than positive ones." "Few ideas and well repeated the base. And above all, priorities, because the mind is selective and there is a high saturation campaign messages. The party's own surveys say voters have problems identifying the necessary program. Throughout history they won elections with a simple word: peace, love, hope and change, "Rúas. For the teacher, the rallies today," are made to strengthen their own party members and sympathizers and media. "Billboards have the ability to impress and social networks is to draw. not worth to create a website, blog or Facebook account one month before the election, "he concludes.


Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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