Monday, May 16, 2011

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MARJURIDICO: Publicis detailed the political marketing trend

detailed Publicis trend

keys and applications of neuromarketing


measure the effects of an advertising campaign in the human brain.

By Michelle Cazenave

Measuring the effects on the human brain generates publicity through the application of techniques of neuroscience to marketing, is the aim of neuromarketing, an incipient trend that emerged in the 90, but is gradually taking over strength. He explains

President Publicis Chile, Marcelo Ortega, who notes that "neuroscience is concerned with how to better understand the human and marketing with consumer behavior. Then, neuromarketing is order to understand and increasingly satisfying the needs and expectations of consumers. "

That's why, through way of medical studies, MRIs and other procedures "," evaluates how the brain reacts to a particular advertising campaign. " However, so far in Chile, at least, all market research is still done with traditional methods such as focus groups, surveys, among others. Massively still does not address neuroscience. "And this, he explains, because of its higher cost.

is the United States where its application has taken more strength, according to Ortega, but the Executive believes that may soon begin to grow your local use. "Next year we should be looking at research and segmented with neuromarketing. "

Source: DF


Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
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Diploma in Knowledge Management "UN
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Friday, May 13, 2011

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Fly to know

Man can not fly like an eagle makes this a few days ago flew over the Rock Muñana, but there are other ways to fly and that same day a small plane takes to the skies almost at the same time our eagle.

So that eagle cadalseña imitating Zorro will also fly for a few days, but like it I you will delight in the beauty of other places, other people and other roads.

you soon. Sliding Fox

Photos. Pedro Alfonso

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In Round

Gallows In a place where the most common sound until recently was the slow but continuous sound of running water of the pylon there existing today without the beat of the water, and hammering on the anvil in the forge of Fidel, This scene occurs.

One moment, characters, a topic of conversation is more than enough to enjoy this sunny afternoon in April.
These moments mean a lot to me. Here he played in my youth and was happy and now I feel close to these people so dear, who also played and ran these places during his childhood.

There is something that attracts me to this town and that makes me happy. When I sit and watch these houses and the streets with the Rock of background I feel at peace. Here I find the tranquility that I find it hard to find sometimes in other places.

This town has much to do with my roots, my four grandparents were cadalseños, and therefore are very important people I talk to and meet here. I can not miss those moments of sitting in lectures and anecdotes anywhere with my neighbors and friends. And this is one of those great moments where the words flow almost without realizing it, then get the laughs and memories about an old and beloved picture of Saint Anthony schools with that beloved teacher of all was Don Enrique.

Identifying young students, many grandparents today, it costs nothing and less when Irene comes to us with his fingers as if to caress will names one by one their names, their parents and even some pieces of their lives.

Thank you Jesus for the picture and you Celito, Vitor, Antonio, Daniel, Aniceto and Irene for sharing with me this memento so simple yet so full of love and need in our lives.



Note: Photo will follow shortly with Enrique students in schools in San Antonio.

Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso

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Neuromarketing: Sympathy versus ideas to "seduce" undecided

Sympathy against ideas to "seduce" undecided

Between 15% and 20% of voters choose their candidate in campaign

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SELINA OTERO no longer enough to "persuade and convincing. " In the twenty-first century must" seduce "undecided. The election campaign is still" crucial "to go to the thrones of the municipalities, between 15% and 20% of voters waiting for this line end to choose a candidate. Experts in Political Marketing, PR & Communication Electoral agree that it is more important "sympathy, warmth and complicity" that the presentation of projects and policy ideas. For the mind of voters forget it. Prefers images and gestures. Instead, "originality, a bit of spectacle and, above all, do not screw it up because if this happens, desbancaría all previous achievements." In other words: sow a positive memory to mobilize voters "prospective."

How have municipal election campaigns? "They are more expensive and sophisticated, more money is spent and the channels multiply, advertising experts argue. The billboards are part of the "electoral landscape" seeking to "impress" rallies are designed to go out in the media and "activists and supporters to their leaders jaleen" and social networks are still "a supplement." Teachers and publishers agree that candidates "have no control over its management nor its potential."

"Candidates still them with their strengths and weaknesses, but his presentation to the electorate has changed substantially. Voters buy a political product that meets your expectations, the ideological commitment is important, but has become secondary. The loyalty of voters has been volatile and increasingly oriented utilitarianism the voting option, "argues Alberto Pena, professor of Political Propaganda Technique in the Campus of Pontevedra, adding that the campaign" reinforce "the image of candidates but "not defined".

For this expert in the History of Propaganda, voters "do not rationalize messages, their interpretations are emotional. "" is to remember key ideas and simplify the most of the proposals. Voters do not invest your time to compare the electoral programs, comparing different forms of advertising. For this reason the campaign has a lot of show . Question of attention, "says Pena. Sympathy, closeness and trust are concepts that generate candidates pursuing mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero both (PSdeG) and Corina Porro (PPdeG), Santiago Domínguez (BNG ), Pedro Larrauri (UPyD) and Ruben Perez (IU). Is that the way "rather than the content determined.
According José Rúas, a communications professor at the University of Vigo and author of the electoral candidate's Manual, "15% of the electorate seems little, but in practice is crucial, especially in Galicia, where it governs the left or right is a matter of a seat. " Rúas says that in the final "what is more important to do well, is not screw it up, do not do anything to derail a party or candidate." Tips: intuition, resilience and risk rating.
For this expert in campaigns, "there is a growing influence of negative campaigning: more memorable than positive ones." "Few ideas and well repeated the base. And above all, priorities, because the mind is selective and there is a high saturation campaign messages. The party's own surveys say voters have problems identifying the necessary program. Throughout history they won elections with a simple word: peace, love, hope and change, "Rúas. For the teacher, the rallies today," are made to strengthen their own party members and sympathizers and media. "Billboards have the ability to impress and social networks is to draw. not worth to create a website, blog or Facebook account one month before the election, "he concludes.


Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
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  CEL: 93934521 Santiago-Chile Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE ENERGY, ; advice nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

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we mean by neuromarketing



Neuromarketing-strategy based on the study of brain function when choosing a product, is a good partner for relationship marketing, as it helps accurate communication decisions, developing more compelling messages that can strengthen the bond between the company and the customer.

SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
  • IN can read us FACEBOOK

CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS-COACHING RENEWABLE ENERGY, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Floating Hiatal Hernia

Blood Contest: Gallows know? Ready for the Hornazo

Answer to last week's photo.

The vane is in the tower of the church, is to always, withdrew from the old tower and re-setting the new during the last restoration of the church.

This week's winners and therefore virtual Corredero Zorro winners and famous and reeds are

Mari Carmen

                                             Photo of the Week

know where is this stone?

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1, click on comments
2 º Now "anonymous" and enter your Google user if you have mail Gmail (the email also be used to be a follower)
3 º Then type in the big picture that you please with your name at the end if you want
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5 º Click on "submit comment" and you will see your message.

Photos: Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso

Bazooka Antenne Sat Radio Selbst

We were way of the Rock and Rozas that the photographer, whom we cruelly called the "photographer of the potato" for a parcel that was in the neck, We threw that phrase .... Guys a photo? And so with little thought we put ourselves against the wall of the slaughterhouse in those years was in the Blood. Then

Square on our way, then he walked, with shoes and of course after eating at home to go to the Rock as every year and ate the hornazo down and put an end to our canteens, probably filled for "Lemons" for the evening return to Gallows and make tea at the home of one of us. I do not remember now that home made but I do remember the menu was always made with an egg salad and baked potatoes that each should contribute beyond hard for rest of the meal.

Hornazo In 1970, we posed for the photographer from left to right: Balta, José Luis, Vicente, Armando, Perico, Juanjo, Laureano, Juan Salas, Perico, Alfredo Antonio, Tirso, Augustine, Dalmiro, Valentin, Jose Ramon, Javier and Miguelín. Balta

Dedicated to the birthday was May 11 and all of the Plaza. Sliding Fox

Photos: Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso

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Ferrada Nehme wants to expand and launch its new range Corporate Law

In order to reach the goal of positioning among the top law firms in Chile in 2016, Ferrada Nehme open the area of \u200b\u200bCorporate Law, which will be led by Ignacio Concha. "He along with three other lawyers are going to carry forward the corporate area," confirms Rodrigo Ferrada, a partner in the company.

The search for who will lead from the first of July this new area was conducted with a group of head hunters, who selected Ignacio Concha in 25 people with expertise in corporate and financial. Within the competence of Concha is their ability to practice law in California and New York, enabling them to enhance the international arena. Specialization

When entered the market in 2000, his bet was to have areas of specialist advice. Among them are "competitive, regulated market, litigation, public law and government, environmental," says Ferrada. Thus, one of the members and leading figures in the areas of free competition and market regulation is Nicole Nehme, who Fasa represented in the collusion case.

"In these ten years we are within ten largest studies of Chile. What we have achieved through the efforts of a great team," says the partner.

Ferrada Nehme's plan is to continue deepening the existing business areas.

is why in addition to joining the corporate area, decided to open sub-areas that are already operational in charge of seven professionals. These are: Arbitration and Mediation (by Jose Zalaquett), telecommunications (Cristián Doren), electricity (Jorge Quintanilla), water (Trinidad Prieto), IP (María Paz Canales) private client, consumer law and the international area (Sander Van der Voorde).

"They were the customers to have asked different services that we offered regularly. We discussed a lot and decided to also enter the transactional area, he says.


ASK, said , WRITE .

Greetings Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
Diploma in Knowledge Management" UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration ONU

CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT - LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consulting nationally and internationally and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Google wants to revolutionize the computer

Google wants to revolutionize

Last updated: Thursday, May 12, 2011
Google Chromebook

The two models presented will go on sale June 15 in the U.S., Spain , United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Holland.

Google launched two notebooks based on its new Google Chrome OS operating system that represent "a new model of computing," in the words of Sergey Brin, co-founder.

based devices fully functioning on the web, instead of betting on a hard disk.

computers, designed by Acer and Samsung, will go on sale in mid-June in the U.S. and six European countries, including Spain, and will cost between $ 349 and U.S. $ 499, depending on model.

The company said it reached more markets "in the coming months."

Google's mission is to encourage people to use web applications (such as your Gmail or Google Docs products) instead of using software c onvencional . The company says that people spend most of the time on the web and most things people do on a computer can be made online.

The Internet giant said its computers, called "Chromebooks" are not burdened with expensive programs that are on other computers, so come on in just eight seconds instead of several minutes.

The company also says that the life of the device's battery lasts a day and security updates are done automatically and faster than competitive products.

"It's a lot easier to get into the computer and Chromebook ventures into a new model computer not think it was possible to reach a few years ago, "said Brin.

"Ultimately, time is most valuable as a user. I think the complexity of managing computers is something that tortures many users. It is a failed model and I think Chromebook represents a new model will mark a new path, "Brin said.

"Web only"

Presentación de Chromebooks

Google believes that its computers could save businesses money.

Before presenting the final models of their laptops, Google held tests with a million programmers, journalists, schools and businesses.

"Most people spend all the time on the web and for the first time we have concluded that all the experience in computers is based only on the web," Sundar told the BBC Pachai, vice president of Chrome.

"From end to end I think the computer experience will be much easier, simpler and faster," he said.

Some analysts, however, were skeptical about the possibility that consumers will adopt a technology that departs from conventional norms.

"I think the future of computing, but I'm not entirely convinced that is the present, "said Steven Levy of Wired magazine.

"I tested an earlier prototype and found connectivity problems. It was an experience as good as what I'm used to, "he said.

His view contrasts with that of the tech blog Engadget that, after testing the final model, said: "The machine is strongly felt fast and was able to handle three windows simultaneously with ten panels each not to be locked."

A question of price?

Google Chrome

Google says its browser Chrome-base of their computers, is used by 160 million people.

The cheapest machine, an Acer model with WiFi-only cost $ 350, while the most expensive-a Samsung model with WiFi and 3G will sell for $ 499.

The price, according to Michael Gartenbe analyst at Gartner, could be an obstacle for the product.

"The hardware looks interesting, but the problem that Google and its partners face is to convince people to spend $ 499 on a device that looks like a laptop, but does less," he told the BBC.

"A $ 499 laptop can also run Chrome and apps. I think people expected Google will not only present a computational innovation, but innovation and price of $ 349 or $ 499 will be difficult to sell to consumers, "he added.

Other analysts believe that the great opportunity for Google is the market for schools and companies, until now dominated by Microsoft. The searcher

convince these sectors that use their computers will save a lot of money on software, the market could change, said Ina Fried, editor of technology website "All Things Digital. "

The search engine will offer a special plan for businesses and educational institutions can purchase your computer, applications and services $ 28 and $ 20 per month, respectively, provided they sign a contract for three years. Google says

over year launched Chromebooks manufacturers at different prices.


SEE, THINK, WRITE . Greetings

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Responsibility Corporate Social
UN Diploma in Knowledge Management "UN
Diploma in Management in Public Administration UN
  • can read us ON FACEBOOK

CEL: 93934521
Apply our training courses and consulting in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT-LEADERSHIP - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - LOBBY - BUSINESS COACHING-RENEWABLE, consultancies national and international level and are available for OTEC Y OTIC in Chile

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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The hairdresser there is again looking to the future

"Whenever you ask if you can do a job, please answer yes and then learn how."
Franklin D.
Roosevelt (1882-1945), American statesman.

We stayed as usual at 11 yesterday in the Plaza Square home today, and after a simple and short conversation with Gera but no less enjoyable we head towards the source the hairdresser who as you know is located in the Dove Valley.

To get there we have chosen the path of the small marsh creek leads attached to the Dove into the path of that comes from the road and takes a few hundred meters Cuatro Caminos below.

When we got to the source we got a big surprise, there is no source or anything like it to be completely covered with weeds, but we know it's there and get as close as that we see is a stone, the rest is covered by grass and brambles.

began to clean the grass with scythes and bushes with clippers and thanks to the freshness of vegetation managed to open a path to the right of the source and we can see that has water and in abundance.

far we have cleaned half on its right side but this and if it looks like a fountain and a source that despite having seen so many times ever impressed me more, not only because of its age, say it's time Arabs or perhaps the Romans, but the sentimental value that this source is for all cadalseños that for hundreds of years and centuries have been drinking from the water after a hard day at work or in their journey through this land who were once forced to step way from the highlands of monumental Ávila and Toledo.

And almost without realizing the hairdresser takes on a image very different from what we find on arrival, once clear of brambles and other weeds dug all around, but respecting a clump of reeds and willow that has grown with her and that we can so that in the near future given moisture in the area can provide shade for hikers increasingly stopping to quench their thirst at this fountain.

And this is how it looks once cleaned up the environment and even within these babas that breed in water and in this case made it difficult to draw.
After finishing plant vinca sprouting maior taken there, to see if we are lucky and clothing to be given a somewhat more lush.

oranges then accompanied by a good drink of water from the source of the hairdresser relax us and help us break the silence of the valley, interrupted only by a tractor that inevitably comes closer to us and that to reach our height and missed and perhaps thirsty and goes down to us with this intriguing to know that we do there, then the surprise is transformed into satisfaction and Ricardo

congratulates us and says a phrase that is rewarded enough to know ourselves what we have done; "Today there are very few people who do this no more" and then drinking water and becomes somewhat puzzled look around your tractor, starts and lost up the road.

And soon we too set off with the satisfaction of having done something because if not more, and because this source as so many of our people need it and why these actions we know that the source will always be there. Yesterday
were other people who cleaned it, now we are and I know that tomorrow and always, there will be people committed to Gallows and its environment that are selflessly willing to make this work just for the sake of Gallows and history, and only by the past and a future for tomorrow will be worth having spent these hours cleaning the famous fountains

Some pictures of the source environment is the last thing before leaving the place that now looks much more beautiful with the hairdresser in the foreground and Dove Valley Spring background or source in the green leaves of this old walnut tree neighbor who has for many years.

Again I want to thank Luisi and Jesus for being there when needed and always, and the rest of the team for one reason or another have failed today be with us and of course to all who are now devoting your time to read this and in supporting this effort with your messages.

many things we can do in a few hours and then enjoy them for years.

Zorro Corredero

Photos: Photo Gallery Pedro Alfonso