Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bendable Small Camera Tripod

Why people are naturally inclined to engage in education?
peoples are inclined to engage in education because they want their development, ie the most important goal of a nation, state, community, nation, etc., has always been to achieve a higher degree of development every time it has reached a goal, so after achieving more difficult objectives to achieve maximum possible perfection, which is according to Aristotle, the goal that drives people to do things.
also after they have reached this development is necessary to endure, so that's where they need education and that through it you can maintain this character and is transferred through the generations. For example in the development of homo sapiens had different tribes had different levels of development, some still walking on four limbs, but others and walked two, but a little bent. When these two tribes were each copied the best of the other looking for the one you benefit to its population in order to develop and transfer these characteristics to their generations for these the could improve, and so on. But there may be spiritual, such as were brought up children values \u200b\u200bto form a better community, such as companionship, generosity, and so to endure over time and can really create a nation that is so.

What is the basic principle of education?
The basic principle of education is to preserve the human community and to convey the physical and spiritual the human being, since it is the nature (physical and spiritual) that makes people seek a maximum degree of development and education can be constantly present. I say that humans and animals have no capacities of will and reason that man has to do things, which is why they have not developed as we do. Store
human community and teach their spiritual and physical uniqueness makes the human being through the conscious will, since this feature is that people try their best to achieve this objective and is in education where this reaches its maximum intensity.

What role plays the conscious will and human reason?
Human communities preserve and propagate their "identity", their relationships, as social and spiritual existence through conscious and creative reason, through education.
Every human being must be willing to solve all the problems and challenges that put him ahead by stimulating the ability to think and develop other skills either external or internal, even to change some physical aspects such as whether we want to change our aerobic capacity, we must strive to achieve this, and thanks to the conscious us jogging every day, getting a little more, until achieve our goal. Another example would be the creation of mathematics, which is entirely an invention of man (through reason), which was employed to improve human existence.
That these qualities are developed depends on the individual but that if it is necessary to develop it so that you can then pass this characteristic to society.
addition if we cultivate the conscious will and reason, we can act freely because we can choose among all the possibilities that arise and form our plan of life.

What is the nature of man?
The author of the text the dual nature of man is, the structure corporal and spiritual (as is the mindset of naturalism) and is this nature that drives human beings to develop and raise the capacity of their potential through education. So is this feature that we can train people and in turn improve them through education and is this the only system that allows human beings to develop.
Within the spiritual part is the conscious and why and how this force is vital, creative and plastic can be molded to achieve the objective already mentioned.
What is the life force that works in education?
Force serving life in education is the will, which is present in all living things, as is the energy that moves us to do things, achieve a goal, but is in education where it acquires its greatest intensity, as is where a conscious effort is required.
If we conclude that education is the only system that allows the development, the will is inherent in this process as the reason why if we are to achieve a goal we need to form a plan to track and analyze all alternatives presented to us

Is education an individual property?
No, education is a property community because it is she who recorded his profile in people preserving their social identity in people and creating a political animal who has values \u200b\u200band standards that are valid in the community which it belongs. Creating a force that gets stronger the influence of this community people, to create a new identity for generations. Thus, education is no individual property can not be business, education should be free, compulsory and a community's duty to preserve and improve their existence.
If we set an example of a country, this will decide what people have to study, that education is seeking the maximum benefit to the development of it and keep characteristics that differentiate it from the rest.

How do I print the character of the community members?
community's character is printed by an educational activity that is where the real influence of the community over its members, if we recall that the main goal of education is to retain characteristics of both in physical and spiritual. Also, each company is under a structure of values \u200b\u200band norms that govern it, which must be printed on individuals to become more sophisticated and looking out for the development of the group.
An example of this would be the Mapuche community with a series of traditions, rituals, customs and ways of thinking very different from the rest of Chileans, then what do they do to preserve this identity? Teach it to their children for this to happen to the next generation and stay for long.

What factors rests the structure of society?
The structure of society rests on a set of laws, written or unwritten rules and values \u200b\u200bthat unite their members. That is a moral, as the definition is: any set of rules, values, prohibitions and taboos coming from outside of man, ie that are inculcated or imposed by politics, social customs, religion or ideology.
All this means that each society has different morals, where each of the members of the community must respect, we see that in ancient civilizations, even until today where there are different ways for the same act. For example, in our country for a funeral we wear clothes black, whereas in China the color white is represented death, so the traditional Chinese mourning dress in white muslin to attend the funeral and the corpse is covered with a white blanket.

Why states: ... all education is the product of the living consciousness of a rule governing a human community "
It says this because if a society is necessary to develop education and development must be some rules. I mean, the rule governing the moral community, which is the set of prohibitions, rules, values, etc., to be followed by members according to the society to which they belong, because the rules are different everywhere. And a community creates these rules because they think they are the ones that will bring more benefits to their development and what is what enables a company to develop? Education.
For example, in the Catholic Church if it commits a sin is to confess and that is a standard that is in that community because (according to them) will help them meet their target (achieving eternal life) or is the same thing happens when Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee.
Explain: education participates in the life and growth of a society.
the company's growth goes hand in hand with development, whether scientific, economic or spiritual and the only way that there is development through education. So for the community to be reaching ever higher goals, like education must evolve with it.
is through education the way it manages to instill good habits to the good conduct of individuals in society, create civic culture that in turn develop political culture, which is nothing, as Aristotle said that the science that seeks the highest good, which is to achieve maximum growth it .
This is true spiritually, physically and economically, because the only way such an underdeveloped country to achieve development is to educate its members the benefit of the community and instilling values \u200b\u200band norms to achieve that.

Discuss which are the values \u200b\u200bfor a society
valid values \u200b\u200bfor a society are those who remain during the time and prove the identity of society and do not change but is perfect, matching the time in which we live.
One of the most important values \u200b\u200bis freedom, because thanks to it is that society can project future through education and fulfill these plans. Because it is true that education is development but this could not happen if human beings making the right choice for that. That is why freedom must go hand in hand with responsibility, where the person is responsible for the decisions it takes and is responsible for the consequences that may bring them.
What happens when there is a solution and destruction of norms in a society?
When a dissolution and destruction of standards, there is also a breakdown in values \u200b\u200b(because the rules are based on them), which leads to weakness, insecurity and the inability of an educational activity, and we do not have the basis of values \u200b\u200bin order to retain the people that make the community where the destruction has occurred.
This happens when tradition is violently destroyed or suffer a decline, and this has happened on numerous occasions in our country such as the cueca, our national dance, before it was taught from young children and was the only dance that had, danced at parties and on every possible occasion, but that tradition (or standard) suffered a decline due to the influence of other dances that came from other parts of the continent, making it impossible to share this dance educator to other generations as it was previously .


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