Monday, June 29, 2009
Jeff Hardy ärmel
, author and promoter of many enterprises (ComTool's, RedTool's, Red Argenta and others) in the area of \u200b\u200bdesign in visual communication and graphic, we gave a further demonstration of its capabilities. A book to think, analyze and criticize where and why we are as we are in this profession ... Thank you very much conceptual clarity and simplicity with which he wrote, I believe that every student of racing especially university "that boasts" should read, make a critical analysis to give an opinion and fight for changes from here on, since it is the tip to start the ranking of the profession.
read Do not stop!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
How To Make A Camera Flash Stand
time is near the end of the 1st. quarter of 2009 ... Thank you all, to understand and participate actively!
Thank you all for growing the Chair Smith, helping spread the stones of the road and remove the wheel sticks. (See full story on the blog of the Chair
Chair Smith Graphic Design Education Alexander Smith DG Holder